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Niecy Locricchio in a field

Times of extended retreat give us a chance to come home to ourselves in God's presence and to bring the realities of our life to God . . .  On retreat we rest in God and wait on him to do what is needed. 
Ruth Haley Barton; Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership

wheat field

Events at The Soul Care Place

Creative Contemplation

2 hour soul space;
brief introduction to morning creative contemplation;
quiet time for meeting God through creative process;
all materials provided

Check back next Spring

Soul Care

A day of soul space;
brief times of guided practice;
silence & solitude;
retreat booklet

A Day with the Lord
a Retreat for Ministry Leaders

Thursday, April 25, 2024
Check back for Winter

Taste & See Garden Retreat
Beauty. Solitude. Sacred Journaling. Communion with God

2024 Fall Dates
Sept 19 - 

Sept 20 - Full

Sept 21 - Full

Sept 26 - Full

Sept 27  - Full

Oct 5 - Full

2025 Spring Dates
To Be Announced

Creative Contemplation

Meeting with God through the creative process

9:30am - 11:30am


A thousand voices clamor for your time and attention. One voice whispers an invitation. The voice of Jesus beckons you, “Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.” Mark 6:31

At The Soul Care Place, we want to honor the invitation of Jesus, to abide in Him, and take His words to heart. We can find rest for our souls through our intentionality to set apart time to attune to God’s in-dwelling Presence.

Creative Contemplation is a time to practice the unhurried rhythm of Jesus. The morning begins with a brief introduction or practice for the morning, followed by some quiet for you to meditate on and engage with the month's practice. This time of quiet integrates creative expression into the contemplation process, inviting retreatants to experience God through the creative process. 

As embodied beings, God invites us to communion with Him by engaging all of our senses.


During Creative Contemplation, we make space to attend to the presence of the Holy Spirit, to practice listening,  and to experience God in the midst of our everyday ordinary.

Come enjoy an intimate, leisurely morning with quiet and coffee and entering the mystery of Jesus.

All materials are included.

Spaces are very limited. 6 spaces per retreat.

Creative Contemplaton
Events Registration
Soul Care Retreats

Soul Care Retreats

A Day with the Lord
A retreat in partnership with DLI


9:30am - 3:30pm
doors open at 9am
hosted with
Denver Leadership Initiative

2024 Dates
Thursday  Apr 25, 2024

Register button will take you to the Eventbrite registration page

Denver Leadership Initiative exists to build healthy leaders to create healthy ministries and healthy communities.

Our first call as leaders is to nurture our relationship with the Tri-une God.  The pace of ministry and life is beyond the ability of our soul to keep pace. An intentionality to seek  silence and space with the One who loves us help us recover our souls; helps us to surrender our ways to His ways. In this movement of surrender, we enter more deeply into the transformation of coming home to our true self - the created in-Christ image that is our true identity and place of freedom. 

If you are a ministry leader, by volunteer or vocation, we invite you to enter into this day of soul space. The day includes brief times of guided practice, periods of silence for reflection and personal conversation with God, a retreat booklet resource to accompany your personal time, and lunch.

This event is hosted by Denver Leadership Initiative at



Taste & See Garden Retreat
A retreat for renewing your soul

9:00am - 3:00pm
meet at 8:50am
hosted with Denver Leadership Initiative

2024 Dates


Into the Gardens is a lightly guided prayer experience integrating periods of personal  silence and solitude with times of communal prayer. Leave your worries, anxieties and agenda at the gate and come set aside this time to listen to the Spirit; surrender to God's love and linger in His Presence.


This retreat experience is an opportunity to inhale deeply and relax into an unhurried rhythm while awakening to the beauty of creation in the gardens. In this experience, we are practicing the art of retreat in daily life; how to enter into worship while being in shared spaces not specifically set aside for worship. "For the earth is the Lord's, and everything in it," (Psalm 24:1), so let us worship Him wherever we may be.

Registration includes entry fee to the Garden. Lunch is not included. A session of spiritual direction may be pre-arranged at an additional cost.

Register button will take you to the Eventbrite registration page

Space is limited.

Taste & See
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